Sheet Music for String Ensemble

Sailing Kites

by Reynard Burns
Sailing Kites is a light, tranquil composition for strings with piano for accomplished junior high or high school ensembles. This delicate work can also be performed with strings alone. This title is currently published by Wingert-Jones and is available for purchase at Strings Sheet Music.
Skill Level: high-school (4.0)
Instrumentation: Strings, Piano
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Strings Sheet Music - Sheet Music for Strings
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1st Violin
2nd Violin
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Check Your Footing
A compilation of studio performances of original musical scores by Reynard Burms. Click to view CD contents
Audio CD

CD audio is available for this score
Audio is available for this score!
Live at the Library
A compilation of original musical scores conducted LIVE by Reynard Burns in Bay Shore, New York. Click to view CD contents
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